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Despite our best efforts including eating a nutritious diet, exercising, and taking supplements, the effects of stress, medication, and numerous environmental toxins, our bodies are left over-stressed, over-inflamed, undernourished, and dehydrated. Over time, these conditions lead to chronic illness.

A well-functioning immune system is imperative for human health and well-being. Vitamins such as A, C, D, E, and zinc are involved in many functions throughout the immune system, yet inadequate nutrient intakes are prevalent in the US population.

With the rapid and continuous rise of chronic disease, lack of nutrients in our food sources, and medications that block our body’s ability to absorb nutrients. It is estimated that 94.3% of the US population does not meet the daily requirement for vitamin D, vitamin E, magnesium, calcium, vitamin A, or vitamin C. 3 in 5 Americans are more exhausted now than ever, and 75% are chronically dehydrated!

An analysis of data from the 2005–2016 National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES) reveals the overall prevalence of inadequacy in four out of five key immune nutrients is substantial. Specifically, 45% of the U.S. population had a prevalence of inadequacy for vitamin A, 46% for vitamin C, 95% for vitamin D, 84% for vitamin E, and 15% for zinc.

Given the long-term presence and widening of nutrient gaps in the U.S., specifically in critical nutrients that support immune health, public health measures to facilitate guidelines to ensure adequate intake of these micronutrients have been advised.

Dietary supplements can help address nutrient inadequacy for these immune-support nutrients. Unfortunately, even if we have healthy nutrient absorption, we only absorb approximately 20-30 of our essential vitamins and minerals when they are taken orally.

Vitamin injections provide 50-70% bioavailability. This means our bodies absorb and utilize 50-70% of the nutrient. Hydration and vitamins are essential to the effective functioning of our cells and ALL of our body's systems.

IV nutrient therapy offers nearly 100% bioavailability! By delivering key nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, amino acids, and fluids, we can help our patients achieve maximum bioavailability allowing the body to perform at its highest level, providing optimal wellness & vitality.

Until recently, people needing IV therapy have had to seek therapy at overcrowded emergency departments and urgent care centers.

Today, IV hydration has become increasingly popular due to its immediate health benefits and easy accessibility. The industry has grown quickly as consumers have learned that IV hydration can not only improve hydration but also ease headaches and hangovers, promote muscle recovery, metabolic function, weight loss, energy, cognition, immunity, viral illness recovery, wound healing, skin health, as help to pause aging.

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